86 research outputs found

    VIADUKT I-Programm Ergebnisse der Evaluation

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    Bei der Adipositas handelt es sich um eine chronische Krankheit die v.a. in den Industriestaaten erhebliche gesundheitliche Folgen mit eingeschrĂ€nkter LebensqualitĂ€t, sowie hohem MorbiditĂ€ts- und MortalitĂ€tsrisiko verursachen kann. Eine frĂŒhe Intervention wĂ€re daher sinnvoll, Behandlungsangebote sind jedoch nur in unzureichendem Maße vorhanden. Beim VIADUKT I-Programm (Verhaltensintervention bei Adipositas am Uniklinikum TĂŒbingen) handelt es sich um ein Angebot der Plattform Adipositas des UniversitĂ€tsklinikums TĂŒbingen fĂŒr adipöse Patient/innen. In Zusammenarbeit mit mehreren verschiedenen Fachbereichen wird ein interdisziplinĂ€res, multimodales, konservatives Abnehmprogramm angeboten. Das Programm basiert auf 3 SĂ€ulen: ErnĂ€hrungsberatung, Psychoedukation und Bewegungstherapie, entsprechend den S3-Leitlinien zur Behandlung der Adipositas. Die Patient/innen werden fĂŒr 6 Monate im Programm betreut mit dem Ziel einer langfristigen Gewichtsreduktion um 5-10% des Ausgangsgewichtes und einer Steigerung der LebensqualitĂ€t. An der LĂ€ngsschnittstudie nahmen 70 Teilnehmer/innen mit Adipositas ≄ II° (BMI >35 kg/m2) teil. Über Fragebögen am Anfang und Ende des Kurses sollte das Angebot wissenschaftlich aufgearbeitet werden. Ziel waren dabei: Ermittlung von PrĂ€diktoren, welche Patient/innen vom Programm profitieren und welche alternativen Angebote brauchen, sowie zu ermitteln, welche Kursinhalte besonders effektiv waren und vertieft werden sollten. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass 68,1% der Teilnehmer/innen keine Gewichtsreduktion um 5-10% des Ausgangsgewichtes erzielen konnten. Es wurde eine durchschnittliche Gewichtsreduktion um 3,4kg erzielt. Die psychische und physische LebensqualitĂ€t konnte innerhalb des Kurses nicht signifikant beeinflusst werden. Psychischen KomorbiditĂ€ten hatten unabhĂ€ngig von deren Schweregrad keinen Einfluss auf den Erfolg. Daher sollte eine psychische KomorbiditĂ€t kein Ausschlusskriterium fĂŒr die Teilnahme am Programm sein. BezĂŒglich des Essverhaltens zeigte sich, dass eine bessere Esskontrolle zu einer besseren Gewichtsabnahme fĂŒhrte. Wichtig fĂŒr den Erfolg des Programms scheint die Motivation der Patienten zu sein. Patient/innen die sich von Anfang an bariatrisch operieren lassen wollten, konnten signifikant weniger Gewicht reduzieren als Teilnehmer/innen, die sich nicht operieren lassen wollten. In Zukunft sollte vor Beginn des Kurses die Motivation der Patient/innen ĂŒberprĂŒft werden, um sie in unterschiedlichen Kursen unterzubringen und die Inhalte dementsprechend fĂŒr den Bedarf zu optimieren. Zusammenfassend kann gesagt werden, dass es sich bei dem VIADUKT I-Programm um einen wichtigen Bestandteil der Grundversorgung adipöser Patient/innen handelt. Jedoch könnten die Kursergebnisse durch ein verlĂ€ngertes, strukturiertes Nachsorgeprogramm und besser kontrolliertes Sportprogramm (Verwendung digitaler Technologien) noch weiter optimiert werden. Aktuell ist eine Aussage ĂŒber eine langfristige Gewichtsreduktion aufgrund der Datenlage bei kleiner Stichprobe nicht möglich. Hieraus ergibt sich eine mögliche Folgearbeit

    Who benefits from Visualization Adaptations? Towards a better Understanding of the Influence of Visualization Literacy

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    The ability to read, understand, and comprehend visual information representations is subsumed under the term visualization literacy (VL). One possibility to improve the use of information visualizations is to introduce adaptations. However, it is yet unclear whether people with different VL benefit from adaptations to the same degree. We conducted an online experiment (n = 42) to investigate whether the effect of an adaptation (here: De-Emphasis) of visualizations (bar charts, scatter plots) on performance (accuracy, time) and user experiences depends on users' VL level. Using linear mixed models for the analyses, we found a positive impact of the De-Emphasis adaptation across all conditions, as well as an interaction effect of adaptation and VL on the task completion time for bar charts. This work contributes to a better understanding of the intertwined relationship of VL and visual adaptations and motivates future research.Comment: Preprint and Author Version of a Short Paper, accepted to the 2022 IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS

    Manuelle standardisierte Inhaltsanalyse

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    Die manuelle Inhaltsanalyse gilt nach wie vor als zentrale Methode kommunikationswissenschaftlicher Forschung. Die nachfolgenden AusfĂŒhrungen sollen ein GrundverstĂ€ndnis ĂŒber Merkmale, Schritte, QualitĂ€tskriterien und Schwerpunkte der manuellen Inhaltsanalyse vermitteln, die fĂŒr die Nachvollziehbarkeit von Konzept und Idee des Handbuchs behilflich sein können. So wird in diesem Kapitel deutlich, was unter standardisierter Inhaltsanalyse – auch in Abgrenzung zur qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse – verstanden wird. Zudem werden auch QualitĂ€tskriterien der manuellen Inhaltsanalyse skizziert, die bei der Auswahl der berichteten Studien in diesem Handbuch und auch der Operationalisierungen fĂŒr die dazugehörige Datenbank zentral waren

    ENSO-driven interhemispheric Pacific mass transports

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    Previous studies have shown that ENSO's anomalous equatorial winds, including the observed southward shift of zonal winds that occurs around the event peak, can be reconstructed with the first two Empirical Orthogonal Functions (EOFs) of equatorial region wind stresses. Using a high-resolution ocean general circulation model, we investigate the effect of these two EOFs on changes in warm water volume (WWV), interhemispheric mass transports, and Indonesian Throughflow (ITF). Wind stress anomalies associated with the first EOF produce changes in WWV that are dynamically consistent with the conceptual recharge oscillator paradigm. The ITF is found to heavily damp these WWV changes, reducing their variance by half. Wind stress anomalies associated with the second EOF, which depicts the southward wind shift, are responsible for WWV changes that are of comparable magnitude to those driven by the first mode. The southward wind shift is also responsible for the majority of the observed interhemispheric upper ocean mass exchanges. These winds transfer mass between the Northern and the Southern Hemisphere during El Niño events. Whilst water is transferred in the opposite direction during La Niña events, the magnitude of this exchange is roughly half of that seen during El Niño events. Thus, the discharging of WWV during El Niño events is meridionally asymmetric, while the WWV recharging during a La Niña event is largely symmetric. The inclusion of the southward wind shift is also shown to allow ENSO to exchange mass with much higher latitudes than that allowed by the first EOF alone

    Middepth circulation of the eastern tropical South Pacific and its link to the oxygen minimum zone

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    There is an incomplete description of the mid-depth circulation and its link to the oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in the eastern tropical South Pacific. Subsurface currents of the OMZ in the eastern tropical South Pacific are investigated with a focus at 400 m depth, close to the core of the OMZ, using several Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler sections recorded in January and February 2009. Five profiling floats with oxygen sensors were deployed along 85°50’W in February 2009 with a drift depth at 400 m. Their spreading paths are compared with the model flow field from a 1/10° Tropical Pacific model (TROPAC01) and the Simple Ocean Data Assimilation (SODA) model. Overall the mean currents in the eastern tropical South Pacific are weak so that eddy variability influences the flow and ultimately feed oxygen-poor water to the OMZ. The center of the OMZ is a stagnant area so that floats stay much longer in this region and can even reverse direction. In one case of one float deployed at 8°S returned to the same location after 15 month. On the northern side of the OMZ in the equatorial current system, floats move rapidly to the west. Most current bands reported for the near surface layer exist also in the depth range of the OMZ. A schematic circulation flow field for the OMZ core depth is derived which shows the northern part of the South Pacific subtropical gyre south of the OMZ and the complicated zonal equatorial flow field north of the OMZ

    Pacific Ocean Contribution to the Asymmetry in Eastern Indian Ocean Variability

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    Variations in eastern Indian Ocean upper-ocean thermal properties are assessed for the period 1970–2004, with a particular focus on asymmetric features related to opposite phases of Indian Ocean Dipole events, using high-resolution ocean model hindcasts. Sensitivity experiments, where atmospheric forcing variability is restricted to the Indian or Pacific Ocean only, support the interpretation of forcing mechanisms for large-scale asymmetric behavior in eastern Indian Ocean variability. Years are classified according to eastern Indian Ocean subsurface heat content (HC) as proxy of thermocline variations. Years characterized by anomalous low HC feature a zonal gradient in upper-ocean properties near the equator, while high events have a meridional gradient from the tropics into the subtropics. The spatial and temporal characteristics of the seasonal evolution of HC anomalies for the two cases is distinct, as is the relative contribution from Indian Ocean atmospheric forcing versus remote influences from Pacific wind forcing: low events develop rapidly during austral winter/spring in response to Indian Ocean wind forcing associated with an enhanced southeasterly monsoon driving coastal upwelling and a shoaling thermocline in the east; in contrast, formation of anomalous high eastern Indian Ocean HC is more gradual, with anomalies earlier in the year expanding from the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) region, initiated by remote Pacific wind forcing and transmitted through the ITF via coastal wave dynamics. Implications for seasonal predictions arise with high HC events offering extended lead times for predicting thermocline variations and upper-ocean properties across the eastern Indian Ocean

    Betulin Is a Potent Anti-Tumor Agent that Is Enhanced by Cholesterol

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    Betulinic Acid (BetA) and its derivatives have been extensively studied in the past for their anti-tumor effects, but relatively little is known about its precursor Betulin (BE). We found that BE induces apoptosis utilizing a similar mechanism as BetA and is prevented by cyclosporin A (CsA). BE induces cell death more rapidly as compared to BetA, but to achieve similar amounts of cell death a considerably higher concentration of BE is needed. Interestingly, we observed that cholesterol sensitized cells to BE-induced apoptosis, while there was no effect of cholesterol when combined with BetA. Despite the significantly enhanced cytotoxicity, the mode of cell death was not changed as CsA completely abrogated cell death. These results indicate that BE has potent anti-tumor activity especially in combination with cholesterol

    Genome-wide association for major depression through age at onset stratification:Major Depressive Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium

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    Background Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a disabling mood disorder and, despite a known heritable component, a large meta-analysis of GWAS revealed no replicable genetic risk variants. Given prior evidence of heterogeneity by age-at-onset (AAO) in MDD, we tested whether genome-wide significant risk variants for MDD could be identified in cases subdivided by AAO. Method Discovery case-control GWASs were performed where cases were stratified using increasing/decreasing AAO-cutoffs; significant SNPs were tested in nine independent replication samples, giving a total sample of 22,158 cases and 133,749 controls for sub-setting. Polygenic score analysis was used to examine if differences in shared genetic risk exists between earlier and adult onset MDD with commonly co-morbid disorders of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, and coronary artery disease. Results We identify one replicated genome-wide significant locus associated with adult-onset (>27 years) MDD (rs7647854, OR=1.16, 95%CI=1.11-1.21, p=5.2x10-11). Using polygenic score analyses, we show that earlier-onset MDD is genetically more similar to schizophrenia and bipolar disorder than adult-onset. Conclusions We demonstrate that using additional phenotype data previously collected by genetic studies to tackle phenotypic heterogeneity in MDD can successfully lead to the discovery of genetic risk factor despite reduced sample size. Furthermore, our results suggest that the genetic susceptibility to MDD differs between adult- and earlier-onset MDD, with earlier-onset cases having a greater genetic overlap with schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
